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Susan Swope

School of Medicine (SoM)

Years at Stanford



What is one fun fact about you?
In my career at Stanford, I have worked on over 20 clinical trials with thousands of study participants.
What is one thing that you like about working at Stanford?
I love being in an academic environment where I can learn something new and exciting in the fields of science or medicine every day just by reading the Stanford Medicine newsletter from my email.
Tell us briefly about an event, project, program or initiative you were involved with at Stanford that you're most proud of.
I am proud of our work on the Project Baseline Health Study where I served as the Research Nurse Manager. This project involved 1000 study participants at Stanford for a period of 5 years where we obtained terabytes of health information and thousands of biologic specimens.
What is one of your favorite memories while working at Stanford?
One of my favorite memories from my years at Stanford was working with a delightful 93-year-old study participant who said she remains young and active by "hanging out with young people in their 70s and 80s!"
Leave your Legacy: What piece of guidance would you give a new hire at Stanford?
Be curious! Stanford offers so many opportunities for you to learn, grow, and engage, but you have to read and seek them out.

Other Career Celebrations

  • School of Medicine (SoM)

    Years at Stanford



  • External Relations

    Years at Stanford


